Scotland/Japan Residency Exchange Programme 2019/2020
In 2019 and 2020 Cove Park, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop and Hospitalfield will collaborate with a number of partners in Japan to deliver a new residency exchange programme for visual artists, makers/designers and curators based in Scotland and in Japan. This programme, supported by British Council Scotland/Creative Scotland, The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation and The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, will take place over two years, marking the British Council’s UK/Japan 2019/2020 Season of Culture and the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.
This is the first open call for the Scotland/Japan Residency Exchange Programme. We now wish to invite visual artists, makers, designers and curators based in Scotland – with a particular interest in ceramics – to apply for two residencies taking place in Japan between January and March 2019 (one place for an artist and one for a curator). These residencies are offered jointly by Arts Initiative Tokyo in collaboration with Creative Residency in Arita and the participating artist and curator will have the opportunity to work in Tokyo and in Arita.
Further information on these funded residencies and application guidelines are available here. The deadline for applications is Friday 28 September 2018.
Please note, further calls for applications for residencies with other partners in Japan and for Japanese artists to take part in residencies in Scotland will follow.