
Yolanda McKean

Yolanda McKean has been based in Edinburgh since 2011, graduating from Edinburgh College of Art in 2015. Her work incorporates various drawing, printing and painting techniques and materials. The images are mostly of familiar spaces or objects, reflecting her interest in ecology; working from life, often outside, reacting to the place directly. The work over the years has been autobiographical, considering relationships and spirituality. She has started to incorporate poetry into her work, exploring the loss of species and how we heal and grieve through poetry and art. Yolanda also works as an arts facilitator and is involved with local community gardening projects.

The residency at Cove Park will be used as time for research, using art and writing to explore the dierent layers which make up our daily lives, perceptions and thoughts, drawing on the language of science to further encourage participation in the physical world. She will also use the time to reflect on her practice as a community arts facilitator, developing a project exploring grief, loss and healing.