Kim Simpson

Kim Simpson

Kim Simpson is an artist and cultural strategist, curator, facilitator and coach bringing a disability-led approach to the arts sector. In recent years, Kim’s work has been focused on strategic projects and the development of people, processes and practices. She is a Clore Leadership Fellow and an ISPA Global Fellow. Kim currently leads the Remembering Together programme of Covid community memorials at greenspace scotland.

Kim is passionate about the humans working in and connecting with the arts, and loves supporting people and organisations to think differently about themselves, their communities, our sector and the world we live in. Her lived experience(s) as a mad, crip, neurodivergent, spoonie, queer woman from a working-class background deeply infuses her approach. Kim uses creative practices such as writing, illustration, music and storytelling to make sense of her professional and lived experiences and will be using her time at Cove Park to reflect on her experience of losing her brother to suicide in 2019.

Kim has worked internationally throughout her career, learning from, collaborating with partners and delivering projects across Europe and in Mexico, Japan, USA, Canada, India, Hong Kong and Australia.