
Kate Tough

The Scottish Literature Residency offers a writer based in Scotland a period of up to six weeks to develop their own work in the supportive atmosphere of Cove Park, and the opportunity to broaden their practice by making new contacts with artists and writers from Scotland and beyond. In 2014 our Scottish Writers are Michael Pedersen, Kate Tough and Nicola White.

Previous Scottish Writers include Louise Welsh, Jennie Erdal, Jess Richards and Gerry Cambridge.

Kate Tough’s fiction and poetry appears regularly in anthologies and exhibitions. Her novel, Head for the Edge, Keep Walking, is published in summer 2014 with Cargo Publishing. It was awarded a Scottish Arts Council Writer’s Bursary in 2009. In 2013, Kate received a Creative Scotland Professional Development Award to work on experimental poetry: she’s curious to see how that work evolves at Cove Park in 2014. Kate co-runs Poetry@The Ivory in Glasgow, with support from the Scottish Book Trust.