
Jude Barber

This residency will support an established designer/maker from Scotland. Its aim is to provide the artist with the time and space to explore new ideas and ways of working within Cove Park’s international and cross-disciplinary programme. Without the requirement of a final project or presentation, this residency is intended to promote the development of new ideas and work.

Previous residents on this programme include Emlyn Firth, Andrew Lamb, Beca Lipscombe, Deirdre Nelson, Frances Priest, Laura Spring.

Jude Barber is an architect based in Glasgow. She currently works as part of Collective Architecture, an employee owned and controlled studio at the heart of which lies the principles of collaboration, sustainability and creative freedom.

With an interest in many areas of craft and art practice Barber has worked on a number of collaborative projects designing not only buildings but also products and events.

She intends to use her 2 week residency at Cove Park to reflect on her work and consider alternative working practices and how these might impact on the wider process of making and producing in the built environment.

Image: Gowkthrapple Hub, North Lanarkshire, 2011, Collective Architecture