Lizhen Liang
This residency offers an international writer the opportunity to develop their interdisciplinary projects and ideas in Cove Park’s supportive environment and to make useful contacts across the artforms in Scotland, the UK and further afield. This year the residency has been awarded to Lizhen Liang. A poet, translator, curator and graduate of the Slade, Lizhen will be using her time to research new collaborations across poetry and the visual arts, with, among others, Bill Herbert and Yang Lian.
Lizhen Liang is a Chinese poet, translator, filmmaker, editor and art curator based in China. She graduated from Peking University and the Slade School of Fine Art of University College London with degrees of Bachelor of Arts; Bachelor of Law; MA in film studies and PhD in fine art. She works in an international and trans-disciplinary context, focusing on creating and promoting contemporary poetic art and visual art.