Lesley McIntyre
Lesley McIntyre is an Associate Professor of Architecture at Northumbria University, Newcastle. She is fascinated by the mystery of ‘what has gone before’ and driven to uncover and map the hidden histories and narratives of the sites she encounters. This has led her to develop a creative practice in exploring fragments of context, people, place, and process. Within this, her creative practice uses a range of techniques and processes such as drawing, photography, printmaking, model-making, and writing.
Recently, whilst focusing across sites in Iceland, Ireland, and Scotland, she has been developing, testing, and exploring mixed-media techniques alongside Architectural drawing and analysis of place. She is currently developing a portfolio of work that explores difficult heritage of landscape and architectural ruin, specifically the challenge of creating artefacts of landscape when there is little physical trace left behind.
In the Anthropocene Epoch, there is an ongoing challenge to produce approaches that respond to the impacts of the worlds new condition. Lesley’s work argues that recording moments of the Anthropogenic timeline is important, and that significance lies in the exploration of architecture and landscape as a monument of both the past and present.
This residency with Cove Park will provide a unique and immersive environment for Lesley to continue expanding her creative voice, with a particular focus on revealing landscapes, heritage, and narrative – via the practice of printmaking and photography. It will give Lesley the space and time to explore, to calmly think, and to immerse herself in the process of making.