Mariam Syed
Mariam Syed is a weaver and a current Master of Research student (graduating December 2022) at the Glasgow School of Art. Her research explores the rigid dichotomy between traditional craft and the ever advancing digital technologies in making. She is interested in understanding the growing usage of digital technology and how that shapes the definition and future of craft.
As a weaver, Mariam’s design practice encapsulates her passion for weaving with vibrant colours, architecture and Islamic Geometry. Fascinated with the visual culture of her homeland Karachi, the geometric patterns and colours in Mariam’s woven designs are inspired by Pakistani Truck Art. Pakistani trucks look like giant kaleidoscopes of brilliant colours and patterns; much like an art gallery on wheels! Mariam sees her design practice as an art of storytelling through textiles: an art of exporting the stories and cultural values of her rich heritage and translating it into contemporary woven fabrics. She approaches her work as a path to self discovery where more emphasis is placed on the process of making and the experience rather than the product itself. Mariam will use her time at Cove Park to work on her Master thesis.
Mariam was awarded a funded residency in 2020. This residency was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.