Robbie MacLeòid

Robbie MacLeòid

Robbie MacLeòid visits Cove Park for a writing residency through Playwrights’ Studio’s Play Development Bursary. This programme provides financial and practical support to create the first full draft of a new play over the course of a year.  Robbie MacLeòid is a writer and academic who works in both Scottish Gaelic and English. His work can be found in Gutter, New Writing Scotland, 404 Ink, and STEALL, amongst other places. He is at present working on Deir i, a musical retelling of the Gaelic legend of Deirdre and the Sons of Uisneach.

’S e sgrìobhaiche agus acadaimigeach a th’ ann an Robbie MacLeòid, a bhios a’ cruthachadh sa Ghàidhlig agus sa Bheurla. Lorgair na sgrìobhaidhean aige ann an Gutter, New Writing Scotland, 404 Ink, agus STEALL, am measg àiteannan eile. Tha e an-dràsda ag obair air Deir i, ceòldrama mu Dheirdire agus Mhic Uisnich.

Image credit: Lightbox, St Andrews.