Cove Park’s Associates programme is growing from strength to strength and we’re grateful for the participation and support of all involved to date.

This membership programme offers ongoing support and new residency opportunities to all our former national and international residents. Since 2022, we have awarded annual funded Associates Residencies, offered our Associates other paid opportunities, and shared invitations to a range of Cove Park events throughout the year. Associates are invited to work with us as Advisors to our Awarded Residencies, and several Associates have taken part in on our engagement programme of workshops and public events (work that is paid at Scottish Artist Union Rates). UK-based Alumni will continue to be invited to take part in international residencies designed in collaboration with partner organisations, such as the current Cove Park/Varuna writers’ programme. Finally, Associates with the funding to support their own residencies at Cove Park will receive a 10% discount on Open Residencies at Cove Park.

We are delighted that Associates Ashanti Harris and Heather Parry joined Cove Park’s Board in August 2024.

Associates receive a biannual newsletter, highlighting alumni-focussed opportunities, events, and projects. Both our library at Cove Park, and our imminent new website, will feature sections highlighting the work of our former residents.

We hope the programme as it develops will allow us not only to continue to offer new opportunities for our Associates, but also to maintain connections between our alumni and Cove Park, and amongst the former residents themselves.

To contribute towards the development of this programme, we are inviting Associates to make an annual recommended donation of £25. However, membership is offered on a ‘pay what you can’ basis. Those able and happy to pay more (to ‘pay forward’ or to contribute on behalf of those unable to make a contribution) will be welcome to do so. Payments can also be made in instalments.

To join, please complete and submit the Associates Form.

We would like to thank our Founding Associates and all those that gave their time and advice: Laura Aldridge, Jordan Baseman, Florence Dwyer, Lauren Gault, Ashanti Harris, Ainslie Henderson, Genevieve Herr, Raisa Kabir, Jasleen Kaur, Heiba Lamara, Hope Dickson Leach, Duncan Marquiss, Luke Pell, Ciara Phillips, Oliver Raymond-Barker, James Rigler, David Sherry, Michael Stumpf, James Thompson.

Image: Scarlett Cohen French, Craft & Design resident, 2018 (photography, Alan Dimmick)