How do I get to Cove Park?
Please refer to the contact page on our website.
How should I travel to Cove Park?
Cove Park encourages slow, sustainable travel and the use of public transport. Arrangements can be made to meet residents at the ferry pier in Kilcreggan or from our nearest bus stop.
Can I bring my partner and/or children?
Cove Park’s accommodation is ideal for single residents. However, we do create specific residencies for families and individuals with caring responsibilities and Cove Park has accommodation suitable for individuals coming with those providing support. Unless your partner/child/children is instrumental to your access requirements, research, or practice, we would generally advise you to come alone. The site is not set up for children, however if you need to bring your child/children with you, we will put you in touch with local childminders and nurseries. Partners and families are welcome to visit during the weekends, but please let us know in advance so appropriate arrangements can be made. It is important we have the names and contact details of all visitors in case of emergencies.
Can I bring my pet?
Unless your pet is instrumental to your access requirements, we would ask you not to bring pets. The site is home to livestock (sheep and cows), and we want to ensure those residents that may suffer from allergic reactions, are not in contact with pets.
I will need extra support during my residency. Can I have some more information about what Cove Park can do to help me?
We fully appreciate that you may not wish to disclose information about your health and wellbeing but sharing such information with a team member can ensure that you are allocated the most suitable accommodation on site and receive all the support you need to achieve your objectives whilst in residency. Please consider sharing information about how we can support you by submitting our Access Statement worksheet. Once completed, please email the worksheet to Alex Marrs, Programmes & Communications Producer at
Here is an example of Alex’s Access Statement Worksheet.
I have a mental disability or disorder; how can you support me?
Some of our staff are trained specifically in autism spectrum disorder, but we are not trained to cater to the needs related to other mental disabilities. We would encourage you to get in touch with us to discuss how we can best support you.
I have poor mental health; how can you support me?
Cove Park is set on 50 acres of parkland and was formally a conservation park. The setting, overlooking Loch Long, is quiet and tranquil, and some residents find benefits to their mental health from being in this environment. Should you require a room with an adjoining studio for reasons of privacy, please let us know.
I have a physical disability; how can you support me?
The Jacobs Building, at the top of the site, is wheelchair accessible, as is the adjoining accommodation and studio. Please let us know if you would like to use this type of accommodation. Cove Park’s site encompasses a hill with a footpath (lit during the evening and night) joining the Jacobs Building to the rest of the accommodation and studios. There is a 4-wheel drive vehicle for residents to use to get around the site as required. Please get in touch to discuss how we can best support you at Cove Park.
I have a medical condition; how can you support me?
If you need specific medical supplies whilst in residency and/or need to make sure certain emergency treatments are readily available locally, please get in touch with us well in advance of your arrival so that we can help you to make arrangements.
Are meals provided?
No, residencies at Cove Park are self-catered although we regularly co-organise lunches and dinners and are committed to supporting any dietary requirements. Residents are advised to prepare for their residency by ordering food online, to be delivered to or picked up close to Cove Park. We encourage residents, where possible, to shop locally and a list of local suppliers and producers is included in the Cove Park Handbook -Summer 2024
Is there a vehicle I can borrow while at Cove Park?
Yes, we have an SUV (manual) available to residents aged 25 or over, with a clean driver’s license. Please see the Cove Park Handbook for more information.
What time should I arrive?
Generally residents should arrive on Mondays between 1pm – 4pm. The office is open Monday – Friday, 9am – 5.00pm and staff will be on hand to show you your accommodation.
What time should I leave?
If departing on a Saturday or Sunday, you may vacate your accommodation at any time. If departing on a Monday, you should vacate your accommodation (and studio as necessary) by 10am. You are welcome to stay and work in the Jacobs Building for the remainder of the day.
What should I bring with me?
Please refer to the Cove Park Handbook Summer 2024 which has a full list of what Cove Park provides and what you should bring with you.
I have religious beliefs and wonder if I may be able to practice these at Cove Park.
We respect all religions and faiths and are happy to support routines and customs. Please let us know ahead of your arrival if you need extra support.
Can I have a collaborator stay for a few nights during my residency?
Yes, collaborators are welcome at Cove Park. Please discuss this with a member of the team in advance of visits. A fee may be charged for overnight stays and it is important that we have contact details for everyone working and staying on site.
I have another commitment I need to attend to during my residency; can I go home / travel to attend?
We try as far as possible to arrange residencies so that the time is carved out from other duties and commitments. If it is not possible to deal with prior commitments ahead of your arrival, please discuss this with us and we will make the necessary arrangements.
I will need access to additional equipment (e.g. a kiln / laser printer / projector etc.) during my residency. Can you provide a list of items I can borrow?
Please contact us for an inventory of equipment.
Can I join the Engagement Programme as a participant?
Our Engagement Programme activity is primarily aimed at children and young people, who may attend the site on a Friday or Saturday. If you wish to join in, please let us know in advance.
Can I join the Engagement Programme as workshop leader?
We encourage former residents to be involved in the co-design of our Engagement Programme. During or after your residency please email Emma Henderson your CV and 2 or 3 ideas for workshops.
If we have not answered your question, please get in touch by email or call 01436 850500.
Thank you.