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Translation Week: Public Reading

We are delighted to invite you to a public reading to mark our second Translation Week, organised in partnership with the National Centre for Writing and Publishing Scotland.

Join us on Saturday, 16th November, from 3-5pm, to hear the participating translators read from their work, and meet translators and translation professionals in an informal setting.

The participating translators 2019 include: Kari Dickson (workshop leader), Polly Barton (Japanese), Jozefina Komporaly (Hungarian and Romanian), Jozef van der Voort (Dutch and German), Zoë Perry (Portuguese), Katherine Mendelsohn (French), Ayça Türkoğlu (Turkish and German), Stephanie Fernandes (Scottish literature into Brazilian Portuguese) and Ghislain Bareau (Scottish literature into French).

Thanks to additional support from the AHRC Open World Research Initiative’s flagship project Language Acts and Worldmaking, we have invited a drama translator and an L2 translator (translating into their second language) to the programme.