
The Launch of HOCP at Home

We are pleased to announce the launch HOCP at Home! Hands-On Cove Park is our creative learning programme of public workshops and events devised and led by former residents. Although our regular series of Saturdays Studios and other events can not now take place due to the current crisis, this new series introduces the work of the participating artists and gives ideas for work you can make at home. The first film features the Glasgow-based visual artist Hrafnhildur Halldórsdóttir and is edited by former visual arts and moving image resident Duncan Marquiss. The film shows how to make your own loom and to experiment with some of the techniques the artist employs.

View the film here.

Further HOCP at Home films will be released shortly and we would like to thank the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Young Start Community Fund for their ongoing support of this programme.

Image: Still from HOCP at Home with Hrafnhildur Halldórsdóttir, 2020