
Book Launch: Joshua in the Sky by Rodge Glass

We are delighted to host the launch on Friday 6 September of Joshua in the Sky: A Blood Memoir, a new book by Glasgow-based writer and former resident Rodge Glass. This will be Rodge’s first stop on a UK tour and the ideal opportunity to meet the author.

The event is free, but places are limited. Please book your ticket in advance. Refreshments will be served.

Rodge is the author of eight books published since 2005: three novels (No Fireworks, Hope for Newborns & Bring Me the Head of Ryan Giggs), one graphic novel (Dougie’s War, with Dave Turbitt), one collection of short stories (Stories for the EasyJet Generation), two biographies (Alasdair Gray: A Secretary’s Biography & Michel Faber: The Writer & his Work) and now Joshua in the Sky: A Blood Memoir (forthcoming, Taproot Press, September 2024). His work has been nominated for eight national or international awards including the Dylan Thomas Prize, he’s the winner of a Somerset Maugham Award for Nonfiction for his biography of Alasdair Gray, and most recently won the Anne Brown Essay Prize in 2023, for ‘On the Covenant’, which is a chapter from Joshua in the Sky.