Space Hire
Space Hire welcomes arts, culture, and heritage organisations, companies, collectives, and community groups to Cove Park for one-day or half-day meetings, events, and away days. We offer exceptional facilities and competitive rates, and can provide presentation equipment and introductions to wonderful local caterers if lunch is required.
Please submit an enquiry form or contact Nicola Jamieson directly for more information.
Previous Space Hires include:
The Avenues Singers, CCA Glasgow, The Common Guild, Comhairle nan Leabhraichean / The Gaelic Books Council, Glasgow International, The Mount Stuart Trust, Rhubaba, Scottish Ensemble, Scottish Opera, and the University of Glasgow (Contemporary Art & Curation).
‘Mount Stuart Trust had a brilliant Away Day at Cove Park. We had a dedicated meeting room, fabulous views, and everything we needed: screen, refreshments, and lunch. I can honestly say that it was one of our most productive strategy meetings. So important to get away, and I can’t think of a better space.’
Sophie Crichton Stuart, Chair, The Mount Stuart Trust