Untitled, 2006
Screenprint. 56 x 76cm, fully archival standard 300grm paper.
Produced for Cove Park by Dundee Contemporary Arts Print Studio
Christine Borland is based in Kilcreggan on the Rosneath peninsula in Argyll & Bute. The artist has a long association with Cove Park, supporting our programme as an advisor, working at times from our studios and, in collaboration with artist Brody Condon, developing the project Circles of Focus on site in preparation for a major exhibition at CCA in 2015.
The artist explores conventional perceptions of morality in her practice, by using investigative processes validated with historical evidence. The theme of her print for Cove Park is an extension of work she developed during a residency at Glenfiddich Distillery in 2004, in the Anatomy Acts exhibition at City Arts Centre, Edinburgh, 2006 and which continued though a three year NESTA fellowship awarded to the artist in May 2006. The print depicts a common ailment for trees growing near distilleries, whose bark is attacked by a black fungus. Borland transplanted such a tree to Cove Park where it slowly returned to its natural colour. Her print uses both positive and negative versions of a photograph to refer to the tree’s transformation in nature. The horizontal positioning of this symmetrical image also alludes to biophysical patterns such as bronchial structures and branch-like artery networks, relating to the artist’s ongoing interest in the ethics of medical decision-making.
Edition price: £500 (unframed)
This work was commissioned for and included within the Cove Park Portfolio, 2006. Information on this project, its themes, and the artists involved in available here.