
Cara Tolmie

Following an intense period of production and presentation, Cara Tolmie’s four-week residency will enable the artist to reflect upon recent performance and moving image projects, such as ‘Pley’ and ‘Otiumfold’ (both 2013), and to develop a strategy and score for a new moving image work in 2014.

Cove Park’s UK Visual Arts Residencies support established visual artists based in the United Kingdom. These residencies enable artists to develop new work and, in many cases for the first time, to spend a prolonged period living and working in Scotland. Recent residents include Adam Chodzko, Mike Cooter, Chris Evans, Ruth Ewan, Melissa Gordon, Anja Kirschner, Olivia Plender and Alison Turnbull.

Image: ‘Otiumfold’, 2013, Performance, Victoria Park, London, Commissioned by Chisenhale Gallery and Tower Hamlets. Photograph by Manuela Barczeweski