
Camille Arnould Walachowski

After the success of Poppy Nash’s 2018 residency and exhibition, The Lighthouse, Scotland’s Centre for Design and Architecture, in partnership with Cove Park, will once again offer an opportunity for emerging crafts makers, designers and architects in 2019. This fully-funded residency aims to support research and the development of new work, leading to a six-week exhibition within the Review Gallery at The Lighthouse.

This year The Lighthouse and Cove Park have worked together to select furniture designer Camille Arnould Walachowski.

c.a. walac. is a furniture designer based in Glasgow. Born in 1989 in France, she received a MFA from ENSAPC (Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Arts de Paris Cergy) in 2015 where she studied sculpture and installation and a MFA from University Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne in 2014 where she studied the notions of space and place in contemporary art.

She always worked towards the idea of a domestic abstraction. With her background in fine arts, she tries to transcribe something more intangible than function: a mood, an atmosphere, a feeling. The studio she founded in 2018 focuses on building stories through shape, materiality, and their relationship to space and people. Taking their inspiration from different realities, such as, metaphysic, surrealism, or brutalism, walac’s pieces are emotional responses making room by reconstructing micro-events mentally formulated from details experience.

Selected exhibitions include: Design Exhibition Scotland, Lyon & Turnbull, Edinburgh (2019), Extrastate, Opera Tech City Pavilion, Biennale du Réel, Online show (2017), A glimpse of future home and then get to work, Glassbox, Paris (2017), Künstlich, Natürlich, Galeria Sabot, Cluj-Napoca (2016), Bad at Sports, Perception Park @ ChezKit, Pantin (2016); Recto/Verso, Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris (2015), Secondes vies, Department of Culture and communication, Paris (2015), Réels imaginaires, Art bridge contemporary, Paris (2014), Dé-placement, Camden collective studio, London (2014), Parallèles singuliers, Galerie l’inattendue, Paris (2014)