Taro Izumi
Cove Park, with support from the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, and in partnership with Arts Initiative Tokyo (AIT), has developed a residency exchange programme for UK-based and Japanese visual artists and makers/designers. The programme was launched in 2011 with a one-month residency for the Hiroshima-based visual artist Takahiro Iwasaki. In 2012, the Glasgow-based artists Nick Evans, Mary Redmond and Katy West travelled to Tokyo for residencies with AIT. In 2013, the programme concludes with a one-month residency for the Tokyo-based artist Taro Izumi.
Taro Izumi works primarily in video, installation and performance. His installations ‘transform their host spaces in to great “bric-a-bracs” of images, sounds and objects, places where the artist sets up multiple dialogues with television screens.’ This will be the artist’s first residency in the UK and he will use his time at Cove Park to research and develop new work.