
Anna Stewart

This residency is offered to a writer based in Scotland who may not yet have published a work but demonstrates exceptional promise. It is an opportunity to develop a work in progress and to meet and work alongside established artists across all disciplines.

Anna Stewart is a recipient of a Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award and was shortlisted for The Royal Academy and Pin Drop Short Story Award, Bloody Scotland’s Short Story Competition, and awarded The Dragons’ Pen at Edinburgh International Book Festival. Her story, ‘The Way I Breathed’ was recently published alongside A.L Kennedy and Ben Okri in, A Short Affair (Scribner 2018). Anna’s stories have also been published in Riptide Journal, Gutter Magazine, New Writing Dundee, The Weekend Read, and Dostoyevsky Wannabe Cities: Dundee. She was commissioned by the Scottish Book Trust to write stories for their Rebel project, The Edinburgh International Science Festival, UN International Mother Language Day, and invited to read her work in Scots at the Scottish Parliament.