
Lana Pheutan

Courtesy of Lana Pheutan.

Lana Pheutan is an actor, writer and director from the Isle of Skye. She is a native Gàidhlig speaker and works bilingually across theatre, film, television and radio. She wrote Glan Fhèin (with Hannah McKirdy) and Dad Sam Bith for BBC Alba, both nominated for a Celtic Media Awards (2024). She is the current recipient of Playwrights’ Studio Scotland’s Gaelic Playwriting Bursary as part of which she her write her new play ‘Uanag’. She was selected as part of the first ever Sean Connery Talent Lab. Lana is passionate about representing Gaels as the bold and complex individuals they are, writing stories about the people who live in these communities today, not the tweed wearing, sheep herding, whisky drinking, tattie loving, backward thinking, accordion playing stereotypes that people are used to seeing. Although she does love tatties.