Virginia Grose is the Head of Fashion at the University of Westminster – School of Arts with a background in fashion and product development in the UK fashion industry. Having worked many years with Courtaulds Testiles on many fashion product times, Virginia developed an interest in cashmere knitwear.

She has worked closely with textile and finished garment manufacturers in the UK, China, Italy, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Since transitioning into academia 15 years ago, she has enjoyed researching and writing as part of her scholarly activity.

Virginia is currently a PhD researcher at Robert Gordon University where her research into the Scottish luxury cashmere supply chain is at the primary research data collection stage.

Virginia says, ‘I look forward to spending my time writing whilst at Cove Park before I conduct some field visits in Fife and Montrose to support my data collection.’


Grose, V. (2012) Concept to Customer. Lausanne, Switzerland: AVA Pub. SA 1st Edition

Grose, V. (2012) Fashion Merchandising Lausanne, Switzerland: AVA Pub.SA

Grose, V. (2021) Practical Guide to the Fashion Industry: Concept to Customer London Bloomsbury 2nd Edition

Grose, V. (2022) Silver Label Cashmere: Solving the Cashmere Crisis with Sustainable Cashmere Bloomsbury Fashion Business Cases

Grose, V. and Mansfield, N. (2023) Fashion supply chain management: integrating sustainability through the fashion supply chain. London; Routledge

Grose, V. (2024) Chapter – Does the Devil Wear Cashmere ? In Fashion and Climate Change: Exploring Global Challenges and Opportunities in Design, Production and Consumption -Ethics Press

Grose, V. (due 2025) Chapter in Fashion Supply Chains – Scottish Cashmere, Edited by Hannibal, C., and Perry. P. De Gruyter Press