Gwen van den Bout
Gwen van den Bout (1992, Rotterdam) makes art installations, curates exhibitions and creates art publications. She was the winner of an open call of the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam and as a result of this, her contemporary installation artwork ‘Being Unpolished’ was exhibited at the museum in 2015. In 2019 Gwen won the ‘Art for the Environment Award’ with her ongoing project ‘Future Geology’.
Van den Bout takes part in international residencies, artistic research and exhibitions. She is a graduate of both Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam (bachelor’s degree, 2015) and Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, where she was awarded a master’s degree ‘Narrative Environments’ in 2018. Her newest ongoing art project ‘Bodies of Water’ (2019-ongoing) is about water and the way it manifests in rivers, bodies, heritage and stories. As part of this, she created a piece about the river Ganges (India), river Rotte (Rotterdam) and researched drowned villages in The Netherlands – investigating connections between the aquatic challenges of our current climate, transformed landscapes and (intangible) heritage.