
National Theatre of Scotland

The National Theatre of Scotland will work at Cove Park for one month. During this time the focus will be on the development of new scripts and future productions. This programme is supported by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

The participating artists are: Alan Bissett, Greg Burke, Catriona Lexy Campbell, Claire Cunningham, Minty Donald, Joe Douglas, Rob Drummond, Rob Evans, Nic Green, Lewis Hetherington, Thomas Hobbins, Adrian Howells, Kirean Hurley, Li Jianjun, Gary McNair, Nick Miller, Amanda MonFrooe, Rona Munro, Martin O’Connor, Gill Robertson, Nichola Scrutton, Stef Smith, Molly Taylor, Jenna Watt, Shihui Weng and He Yufan.