a rawap and dutar player stands against a brick wall holding the dutar.

Shohret Nur

Shohret Nur (courtesy of the artist).

Shohret Nur is a rawap and dutar player, originally from Xinjiang and currently based in London. An award-winning performer, Shohret specialises in the Uyghur stringed instruments, rawap and dutar. Shohret’s great grandfather was a musician and dutar player from kasghar, Xinjiang, while his grandmother was a dutar player and a professional dancer. Continuing this rich musical lineage and supported by his grandmother – Shohret’s first dutar teacher – Shohret fell in love with dutar and rawap as a young child. He has since reached an impressive mastery of these instruments, and is a talented composer as well as a virtuoso performer. Shohret is also a teacher, researcher, and skilled musical analyst, with a particular focus on the Uyghur Twelve Muqam classical music repertoire. He is currently a Research Assistant at the Music Department of SOAS, University of London.