
Enkaryon Ang

Enkaryon Ang is a poet based in Taipei, Taiwan. Since 2009 he has published several collections of poetry and essays.  He was selected by the literary magazine, Unitas, as one of the top three poets born in the 1980s in Taiwan.  He also works as a literature curator and art critic, mainly for world literature and Colonial issues in East Asia and Southeast Asia.  In 2018, he was honoured  as a young art critic from the International Association of Art Critics (AICA).  He is a resident writer in Can Serrat in 2017, and in UNESCO Prague-City of Literature in 2020, and also serves as a resident theatre critic in Macau City Fringe Festival in 2018 and 2020.  ‘A Galaxy of Howness’ is his latest poetry collection, which describes the emotional changing of the post-digital society in Taiwan.  At Cove Park, he will be working on the new project on the western gardens, colonial imagination, and third nature.  He regards the garden as a model of the modern colonial process and tries to find the transition and tension between Western and Eastern national history in the anecdotes here.

This residency is supported by the Taiwanese Ministry of Culture.

Image: Enkaryon Ang (photo by Chih Yuan Wang)