This three-week residency supports the work of an international artist working in a craft medium. It has been developed in collaboration with Deveron Arts: an artist residency organisation in Huntly, Aberdeenshire, and is the result of a Creative Scotland funded Craft Curator’s research trip to India in 2010.
Priya Ravish Mehra is a textile artist and weaver, researcher and designer currently based in Dehli. Her current research involves a darning tradition called ‘Rafoogari’ practiced by the Rafoogar community in India.
Her project largely involves the documentation of Indian darners at work, making their skilful repairs in different contexts within India and beyond. The artist will undertake a two-part residency in Scotland. The initial period at Cove Park will be spent further researching the project in the context of the Scottish textile industry, with particular interest in the connection between traditional Indian techniques and those developed in nearby Paisley. The opportunity to be resident at Cove Park will also be a chance for her to explore ideas around the notion of repair and renewal with artists working in other disciplines. This will be followed by a very practical community workshop based residency at Deveron Arts.