
Flo Fitzgerald-Allsopp

Flo Fitzgerald-Allsopp (photography, Nic Kane).
Flo Fitzgerald-Allsopp is a creative producer, curatorial assistant and PhD researcher in the field of contemporary art and performance. Working closely and creatively with artists and arts organisations, she has delivered a diverse range of international collaborative projects across live performance, visual art and video. She is currently undertaking a Techne funded PhD with the University of Surrey. Her research considers the ethics of interspecies practice in contemporary art and performance, with a particular focus on animals and the deep entanglement of contemporary oppressions. She is also co-editing a book with Prof. Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca on Interspecies Performance – a dialogue between practice and scholarship which aims to foreground an intersectional and ethically oriented approach to human-animal collaboration (published by PR Books).