Morag Smith
Morag Smith lives in Paisley. Her short fiction and poetry have been published in ezines, magazines and anthologies, including Ink, Sweat and Tears, Pushing Out the Boat (Apr 2021), Poetry Ireland Review and Gutter. She was recently shortlisted and commended for the Scottish Book Trust’s New Writers Awards 2021, is the winner of 2021 Paisley Book Festival/Janet Coates Memorial Poetry Prize and was highly commended for the Ginkgo Ecology Poetry Prize 2021. She has just finished a stint as one of the Clydebuilt Mirrorball apprentice poets, working with fellow poets Gillian Dawson, Tom Docherty and Elouise Birtwhistle and mentored by John Glenday.
Morag is currently working, amongst other things, on a pamphlet about the ecology, nature and complex human history of the partly derelict site of Dykebar Psychiatric Hospital in Renfrewshire.
Image: The partly derelict site of Dykebar Psychiatric Hospital in Renfrewshire, by AWN Smith, 2020.