Sculpture presented on a raised platform infront of a wall with individual squares of painted red paper.

Abraham Cruzvillegas

AC Shit Models, 2008, 2008

In 2008, Abraham Cruzvillegas was the recipient of Cove Park’s first Henry Moore Fellowship. This six-month residency enabled the artist to develop work for a major solo exhibition at Glasgow’s Centre for Contemporary Arts in the same year. Work produced for this exhibition was acquired by Tate Modern in 2010 and will be on display in London throughout 2011.

Cruzvillegas’ sculptural work evidences his concern with notions of traditional craft and specifically, as Tom Morton has described (Found and Lost, frieze, October 2006), the ways in which craft can offer ‘an ambulatory alternative to the rocket-fuelled velocity of contemporary capitalism.’ This is underpinned by the artist’s focus upon the process of ‘something becoming art’ and the ways in which a work of art can be continually transformed through the actions of interpretation, physical decay and time.

Since 1987 Cruzvillegas has exhibited work in many solo and group exhibitions in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland and the United States of America.
In 2008, Cruzvillegas was the recipient of Cove Park’s first Henry Moore Fellowship. This six-month residency enabled the artist to develop work for a major solo exhibition at Glasgow’s Centre for Contemporary Arts in the same year. Work produced for this exhibition was acquired by Tate Modern in 2010 and will be on display in London throughout 2011.

A suited and bald man looks directly at the camera.

Abraham Cruzvillegas, photography, Abigail Enzaldo