
Body Remedy

Body Remedy, based in Glasgow, is an organisation that centres physical practice for self-recovery. 

Contributors and participants of Body Remedy are black people and people of colour (BPOC) who identify as women and non-binary. They organise as a small team led by founder and former Cove Park resident Mele Broomes in collaboration with Lead Producer Zoë Zo Tumika.

The Body Remedy 2023 programme is called Body Element and this name comes from a reflection on weather and its interchangeable nature. It is a reflection of how the “weather” and “climate” are embodied.

Part of this Body Element programme is forming ecology, a residency pilot and day event taking place in Cove Park on the first weekend of November where Body Remedy participants will be invited to reflect the effects of the climate on our bodies and our lands through activities such as Body Restoration led by Mele Broomes, a talk on fermentation by Tatenda (tatendas_tastings on Instagram) and more.

This event is also an opportunity for Body Remedy’s advisory group, research group and selected artists to come together as a [forming] ecology.