Alexis Kyle Mitchell
Alexis Kyle Mitchell works primarily in moving image. Her work deals with the formation of spatial imaginaries through history, politics and acts of belonging. These works include a musical documentary about Jewish summer camp made in collaboration with Stephanie Markowitz; an experimental film that uses colour and sound to explore the sensory perceptions of surveillance; and most recently, an experimental essay film about histories of putting animals on trial throughout Medieval Europe, both made in collaboration with Sharlene Bamboat and Richy Carey.
The residency at Cove Park will support the artist’s research and writing for an experimental film about a rare genetic disease called Myotonic Dystrophy and the experience of the genetic phenomenon ‘Anticipation’ – when a genetic disorder becomes more pronounced and severe throughout each subsequent generation.
Image: ‘A naked man with muscular atrophy walking’.’ Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887, 440×348