A portrait of a person with slicked back long dark hair. Their face is angled upwards and they are wearing a black turtleneck with a keyhole in the centre.

Frankie Mulholland

Frankie Mulholland (courtesy of the artist).

Frankie Mulholland is an artist working with the mediums of movement, visual art and sound. Through these mediums, her work interrogates identity, time, intimacy and dance as a form of healing. She believes in the importance of connection and the shared experience of dance and music we have in club spaces. Clubs as a potential space of sanctuary and protection for queer communities and how movement and sound can be used as a transformative tool and one for healing. She has been involved in events in Glasgows club scene since 2015 & were one of the Co-op board members of the queer workers space Bonjour Glasgow, a member of House Ball Scotland, and recipient of the 2021 #LoveDanceScotland.