Moira Nilsson
Moira Nilsson is a textile artist based in Sweden. She explores the details and fibers, the structures and surfaces to find both the tension and the merge between different techniques and materials, such as wool, linen, weave and felt. She goes against or mixes the taught ways of how to use the materials and techniques to find their hidden possibilities. Nilsson often creates tridimensional shapes in textile. Something she experiments with by working with multiple layers and material qualities like stability and density.
An often appearing narrative is the human perception of nature and our surroundings. She pays attention to what hides in the peripheral of our surroundings, a window reflection for example. Searching to express and capture what is difficult to grasp, the transparent, moving, temporary or fragile.
In the spring of 2023 she finished her Fine Art Bachelors degree in Textile-Body-Space at HDK-Valand- Academy of Art and Design. She has been part of several exhibitions and exchanges in Stockholm, Malmö, Tokyo and Tartu.
‘I look forward to have my first stay at Cove Park taking part in the Bernat Klein
Fellowship. With inspiration from visiting the archives of textile designer Bernat Klein and from spending time in the impressive nature surroundings, I plan to use the time at Cove Park developing both new ideas and new physical textile works. I will continue my artistic practice there with a focus on weaving and tridimensional shapes, paying more attention to colour and the effect of colour on my textile shapes and structures.’

Moira Nilsson (photography, Elise Westin)