
Adam Benmakhlouf & Tako Taal

We are pleased to host artist, writer, programmer and educator Adam Benmakhlouf and artist and programmer Tako Taal at Cove Park this autumn. Adam and Tako were announced by LUX Scotland and Tramway on 2 September this year as the programmers of the 9th edition of the annual Artists’ Moving Image Festival (AMIF 2020). AMIF was established in 2012 too provide a platform for the discussion and presentation of artists’ moving image. This research residency will give Adam and Tako the time to develop this year’s programme, extending from their own interests and allowing for unexpected moments of overlap. More information on the work of Adam and Tako, AMIF and the residency is available here.

Image: Artists’ Moving Image Festival 2019, programmed by Emmie McLuskey, Ima-Abasi Okon and Kimberley O’Neill. Image courtesy of LUX Scotland (photography by Matthew Arthur Williams).