Gill Robertson, Kirsty Whiten, Mark Storor
In 2010, in partnership with the Arches Theatre, National Theatre of Scotland conceived a talent development programme, the Auteurs Creative Development Programme. As part of the fourth year of activity on that programme, National Theatre of Scotland has offered three ‘midcareer’ artists (i.e. those leading successful companies or freelance careers, renowned for delivering quality work within a particular genre) the opportunity to step off the ‘treadmill of delivery’ in order to pursue a particular ambition to learn from, and collaborate with, a peer from another artform, in a journey of diversification.
Gill Robertson, is an Auteur artist. She is Artistic Director of Catherine Wheels, a critically acclaimed company making work for children and families.
Gill has chosen to use her Auteurs opportunity to work with an artist working in a completely different creative field – visual artist Kirsty Whiten. She will also be joined by live artist Mark Storor who will act as a collaborator and facilitator to the process, as the group spend their week’s residency at Cove Park, exploring their various approaches, methods and starting points to making work.