OpportunityCall for Applications

How to Make Your Work Stand Out to Agents, Editors and Readers – Residential Masterclass March 2020

Building on the pilot we ran in 2018, this residential weekend at Cove Park will help you make your literary work stand out to agents, editors – and readers!

This residential masterclass is for those writing fiction and non-fiction for adults or children, who have yet to secure an agent or have their work published. It will cover the traditional routes into publication, what an agent does versus what an editor does, and examine how the process of publishing a book works.

Together with editor and writer Genevieve Herr and LBA Books literary agent Louise Lamont, you will learn about the essential first page, and what agents and editors are looking for in a submission package. There will be one-to-one time with the residency tutors, during which those selected to attend will have the opportunity to discuss their submitted work and receive tailored feedback on how to strengthen their material, as well as opportunities to write in your own time.

The residential weekend masterclass will run from

Friday 27th March 2020 (4pm) to Monday 30th March 2020 (10am).

The cost for the weekend is £350.00 and includes self-catering, en-suite accommodation for three nights, group workshops and two one-to-one tuition sessions with both tutors, as well as two catered meals.

The new deadline for applications is now Wednesday 19th February 2020 (midnight).

Find out more and apply here: How to Make Your Work Stand Out to Agents, Editors and Readers – Application Guidelines.