The Play Park
The Play Park is a pilot residency programme which takes shape around ideas and acts of ‘thresholding’: finding, inhabiting and expanding the edge between forms of practice, physical environments, species, social spaces, and gestures of communication. It will be led by practitioners who work on and across boundaries of theatre, dance, literature, visual arts and film, and whose own investigations have produced new forms of storytelling, interspecies collaboration and ethical reorientation. There will also be individual dialogues and facilitated movement, object manipulation and environmental research workshops on and around the Cove Park site.
The Play Park will be held over the week of Monday 28th March – Monday 4th April 2022 at Cove Park on Scotland’s west coast. Each of the 8 participants will be paid a fee for their contribution to the week, thanks to funding from Foyle Foundation and Garrick Charitable Trust.
We invite applications from mid-career theatre-makers from across the UK who wish to explore the dramaturgy of thresholds. The Play Park will be an opportunity to think, move and be together as researchers and collaborators, curious about deepening or extending practice.
Please read the full guidelines for more information, and to apply: The Play Park_guidelines V6
The deadline is Monday 8th November 2021.
Image: Ruth Little at work with Mavin Khoo and Akram Khan, Jean-Louis Fernandez 2019.