Ermantrude’s Travels in Scotland a new collection of printed scarves and Japanese Haori jackets by Charlotte Linton will be presented at an exhibition at the Lighthouse, Glasgow from 12th July – 30th August.

Linton was invited to exhibit at the Lighthouse after her 6 week residency at Cove Park, in 2012. She used the residency to research the immediate area as well as explore the Outer Hebrides. Photography, books, local museums and conversations with local residents and crafts people helped her collect material and ideas that formed the basis of the exhibition.

This exhibition is an opportunity to see how a collection is created. Combining Linton’s passion to demonstrate the potential of printed textiles to tell and record images and the craft heritage from specific geographical areas.

She says of her work:  “It has led me to identify what I feel defines Scotland, its people, its history and its representation in images and customs, and highlighted some of the crafts that are dying out.”